18 November 2006

PR and the student market

Q&A with Adam Buss, PR Manager at NUS Ents
This article was a chapter in The Reach Students Handbook (2003)

Why is PR important in thestudent market?
"PR is important in the student market, from both sides: for the brands and for student media.
"For the brands it is an essential and cost effective way of communicating their ideals to a highly receptive audience. For student media, PR can generate much needed editorial and prize collateral, adding value to a sometimes overlooked media format."

What kind of success has NUS Ents achieved in this area?
"NUS Ents have run successful PR campaigns for a number of brands, including Topman, Miss Selfridge, HMV, Nickolodeon, Air France, Tiger Beer and Sony PlayStation.

"Amongst our most successful campaigns are those run on behalf of Topman and Miss Selfridge. Both brands have seen a year on year increase in the number of student sales. Both campaigns reached well over 1 million students in the 2002/3 academic year.

"NUS Ents PR campaigns use a range of tools to ensure maximum coverage including competitions, celebrity interviews, exclusive editorial and tickets to major national and local events."

What key moves can a brand make to get students 'on side'?
"Students are very savvy when it comes to assessing brand objectives. It's no longer appropriate to simply bombard students with imagery and soundbites in order to convey a message. It is essential to create innovative campaigns that encompass the essence of the brand and its strengths in a fresh and exciting way.

"The student market is bombarded by brands, and messages can be confused when not managed in the correct way. Simple things such as talking to the right people on campus can make a massive difference. NUS Ents always ensure that the correct people are targeted, this could be anyone from the communications sabbatical, the ents manager or the marketing co-ordinator.

"It's also essential to take note of the diversity within the student market and the individual unions in terms of both attitude and facilities. One particular campaign strand may be perfect for one union but ineffective to another."

Who has good PR in the student market and how have they achieved it?
"Topman have excellent PR within the student market due to their innovative campaigns, links to charity and continued presence on campus. NUS Ents have designed and managed PR campaigns for Topman for three years and by adding value to publications through voucher competitions, fashion shoots, exclusive store evenings and their continued support to the ‘Everyman’ male testicular cancer campaign.

"Topman realize that their presence needs to be continual due to the ever changing nature of the student market."

What are the biggest mistakes you can make in your student market relations?
"Ignoring the diversity of the student market and undervaluing the power of student media.
"For many students their student publication will be the only publication they read, and more importantly TRUST, on a regular basis. Student media reaches around 75 per cent of the total HE student market of nearly 2 million. Student media has also come a long way from its early roots as double- sided paper sheets.

"Many student unions have an integrated student media policy combining a publication, website, radio station and in some cases a TV station. Good examples of this include Bournemouth University’s ‘Nerve’ media and Exeter’s ‘Ex’ media formats.

How influential is student media? And what about students' unions?
"Student media and their parent unions are both massively important in shaping trends and purchasing patterns.

"The student market is regarded as being up to 18 months ahead of the general youth market, and as such can be an excellent barometer for any brand. Student media is increasingly professional and is being read more and more by both current, former and prospective students as well as many in the wider community (where it is distributed off campus).

"Students' unions form one of the core pillars of student life and as such can be a massive influence into shaping the experience of students whilst at university.

Can any business achieve good PR with students?
"Any business that has not been banned by NUS or individual unions on ethical grounds can achieve good PR results. It may be more difficult for some, however, as long as the correct advice on accessing student media is given then any forward-thinking business can achieve results.

"Again it is essential to take advice on individual unions and their policies and always to look at interesting ways of providing something extra for publications.

Do brands have common misconceptions about students and the student market?
"Many do not realise the importance of student media, and often overlook student PR as an effective tool in enhancing brand awareness and image. Once the reach and professionalism of student media is explained to brands the majority quickly understand the importance of engaging them on a creative level.

"Many brands have been previously misinformed on how best to access the student market and see students as an easy target for mass promotion. This is why all of NUS Ents' campaigns are created bespoke."

Copyright Reach Students

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